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    Protect Your Account!


    Posts : 68
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    Join date : 2009-08-04
    Location : my room. :D

    Protect Your Account! Empty Protect Your Account!

    Post by Snorki Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:25 pm

    Your ArumicROSE Online account and the items contained in it are your responsibility. As such, it is your responsibility to protect your account and its login details.

    In my years with Rose, I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of people who claim to be "hacked." However, the honest truth is that, since the days of the official iRose, this term is widely overused and -- more importantly -- misused. Actually being hacked is a very rare occurrence, and more often than not these "hacks" have been perpetrated by someone you shared your account details with.

    There are a few things you can do to protect your account.

    1. Do not share your account information with anyone. I have seen it time and time again. "But he is my best friend in school!" -- Guess what? It doesn't matter, I have seen this scenario more than once and I am sure I will see it again. Unless you are married to a person, do not give them your account login!

    2. Do not use your character name or forum name as your account login name. Giving someone your account log in name gives them 50% of what they need to get into your account.

    3. Create secure passwords. Use of dictionary words, simple strings of numbers, or names is a very bad idea. Make your password use upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters and make sure they do not spell actual words. The longer the better, within reason of course. You can still make your passwords something you can remember, but inclusion of other characters makes it much more difficult to crack. For example if your dog's name is Rufus and he is 3 years old, you could use the password rUfu5~!2oo5 -- this is simple to remember, yet relatively difficult to crack.

    4. Free item sites -This really shouldn't need to be said, but seriously... give us your username and password and we'll insert 100 million zuly and a set of every Grade 7 gem in your account??? I honestly thought no one was this foolish, but past experience proved me wrong. These sites are scams! If you do sign up for one, all you'll do is lose all your items on your account -- that I personally guarantee.

    If you have had issues with your account or have lost items, you can create a ticket here. Be warned though, the first thing we do is a log in check. If your account has been logged by multiple IP addresses (we can tell the difference between dynamic IP's and different people), then your items will not be returned.

    5. Last but not least the GMs and any other staff members will NEVER ask you for your username or password. Do not be fooled by imposters! GameMasters are allowed to access your Information through the admin control panel of the Forums. Any GameMaster asking for information from a player, including password. will be stripped of their rights. a GameMaster and Admin can access the Whole information of your account, Accept your Password. Your password is safe with you.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:38 am