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1. Purpose of Account Policies These policies are provided to assist game management and the operation of ROSE Online. We ask that all users abide by these policies in order to ensure a quality gaming environment and to further improve the game and service. If any changes are made to the policy, a notice on the website will be posted. 2. ROSE Online Account Policy1) This policy exists to provide consistent support for problematic situations that may occur within the game. Users may be restricted from game usage if policies are violated. 2) The user may receive a warning when determined to have committed actions against the policy by the GM Team. If there is no sign of correcting these actions, service may be limited or suspended on the account. The GM Team may also terminate the usage of the account without notice depending on the severity of the case.3) This policy is provided as a guideline in cases in which an identical or similar situation occurs. If it is determined that a better rule may apply, then such action will be adjusted accordingly by the game master.4) Issues not covered in this policy will follow the End-User License Agreement. 3. User Account MaintenanceUsers must maintain their own accounts. No support will be provided for problems that occur due to negligence of the account by the owner. Any attempts to trade items, characters or accounts for real currency will result in a restriction of the account without warning. Also, any problems that result from the sharing of an account or other such actions are the sole responsibility of the account owner. 4. Game Regulations 1) The GM Team will not intervene in personal conflicts between users within the game. Conflicts between users within the game should be solved by the users with effort by all involved parties in an appropriate manner. The GM Team will not intervene or regulate actions resulting from these conflicts.2) The GM Team may partially intervene, mediate, or regulate activities in the following situations.- Impersonating a GM - Creating an account with inaccurate/falsified information - Trading accounts or items for real currency - Any activities involving trading of accounts - Use of foul language - Using illegally accessed accounts - Racial/Religious slander as well as any language offending others - Any actions disrupting the game play of general users 5. Ill-mannered Activity Rules and RegulationsThese rules and guidelines apply to in-game and on our website which includes our community forums.Any actions that disrupt the game play or the general environment of the game may result in a warning or restriction of the account based upon a GM's decision and the general policies. If multiple events are accounted for, the restriction placed will be heavier depending on the severity of the actions.The GM Team reserves the right to alter suspension durations based on individual situations and events. Offense Language:Use of language found to be racial, religious, rude, sexually explicit, insulting, threatening, defamatory, abusive, hateful, ethnic, or harmful used in any kind of hateful matter, no matter the language will warrant a warning or account suspension.Words blocked by the chat filter are considered inappropriate for in-game use. Altering a word to avoid the chat filter is seen as use of offensive language.Offensive Behavior:Repeated or excessive use of foul language or actions against another player which causes the player grief or prevention from being able to experience normal game play will result in a warning or account suspension.Actions that are performed in-game by use of emote or manipulating characters to suggest sexually explicit or other inappropriately themed activity will result in a warning or account suspension.Inappropriate Names:Character names that fall under the following can result in an account suspension until the character's name is changed. Inappropriate clan names are disbanded.1. Containing sexual references2. Offensive content falling under the use of offensive language.3. Names that target or insult other players, groups or reference events.4. Names that display anti-racial, anti-ethnic, anti-religious, any anti-group or anti-party.Names that suggests or display relationship to the ROSE NA GM Team, other ROSE Online service representative, Gravity Interactive Inc, Gravity Corp., Triggersoft employee or representative may result in a permanent account suspension of the account impersonating and the accounts of those who are found responsible for the impersonation. Falsified Information:If account information is found to be inaccurate, untrue or there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the account information is untrue or falsified the account may be suspended until updated or permanently suspended. Spamming Chat:Spamming public chat that is unnecessary to game play will result in a warning or account suspension.Spamming is defined but not limited to the flooding of unnecessary text in public chat, the shouting function or private chat. Bug Abuse:Abuse of a bug to benefit or gain advantage beyond the intended normal game play in-game will result in a warning or account suspension. Depending on the seriousness of the abuse and exploit, the suspension may become permanent. Illegally Accessed Account:Accounts that are accessed illegally will result in the intruding user's accounts to be permanently suspended. Attempting Monetary Trade:Any attempt to buy, sell or trade the Intellectual property of Gravity Interactive, Inc. will result in a permanent account suspension. Please review the User Agreement regarding the definition of Intellectual Property. Monetary Trade:Advertisement or trading of accounts, characters, in-game items and Zulie for real life currency is not permitted. Activity of this nature will result in the permanent suspension of the account. Item Mall Trading:Advertisement or trading of in-game items or Zulie for Item Mall Points or Items will not be permitted due to the high possibility of player scamming. Illegal Third-Party Program Use:Use of any third party program to modify or effect the normal operation of the ROSE Online client will result in the permanent suspension of the account. Suspensions:Account Suspension Durations can vary and may last anywhere from 1 to 7 days depending on the severity of the situation. Initially we wish for each user to become aware of the Account Policy to which we can provide a warning regarding recent activities. Beyond this, suspensions can be issued depending on the severity of the situation.1 Day suspensions are the most common suspension for the majority of offenses. 2-3 Days are less common and are generally for repeating offenses. 4-5 Days are rare and are generally for serious offenses.6-7 Days are very rare and are reserved for extreme offenses or as a final warning to actions that would result in a permanent suspension.These Rules are the Rose Online Rules of the Official Game. We did not think of these, However, ArumicROSE Will be Following this Guideline.Thank You,ArumicROSE Staff.

Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:59 pm