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    Forum Rules


    Posts : 123
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    Join date : 2009-08-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Canada

    Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

    Post by VolumeKnob Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:33 pm

    Welcome To ArumicROSE

    What We Have Added:
    1. Thank You Button - The Thank You Button is for people to hit Thank you for if the Member has been helpful to the Members of ArumicROSE. This is to see Who is the most helpful Members around ArumicROSE. Please Do Not Abuse your Rights and hit Thank You to everyone you see, or Give Thank You's to the Popular Members, or just people who ask you for Thank You's.

    Rules You Have To Follow:

    These forums are here for your convenience and communication. They are to help promote co-operation amongst players, give you a place to ask questions of fellow players and staff, allow you to stay up to date on the latest server announcements and changes, and to enjoy reading what others have to say.

    They are not here to allow you to promote other online games or competing servers, to argue or flame each other or the staff, to post inappropriate images or pornography, or to do anything else that may be deemed disrespectful or disruptive to the community in general. They are here as a perk, not as a right. The ability to use them is a privilege granted by the staff. We pay for the forum license and servers and we choose what can and cannot be posted. In other words, it's free speech to a point. When we decide that point has been crossed, we will act accordingly in removing or limiting your ability to post on these forums.

    As such, there are a few rules that everyone will adhere to, or you will forfeit your ability to post.

    1. Flaming - No flaming of any sort is permissible on these forums. If you have a disagreement with another player, take it elsewhere. Keep it out of the general forums. We do have a Flame Wars section, but it is password-restricted and strictly opt-in only (more information here). Still, keep in mind that I am interested in a community that works together, not one that needs a place to fight constantly. If you overstep the boundaries anywhere on these forums, be aware that there will be severe consequences.

    2. Warnings, suspensions and bans - We have a warning system here that will be used. When a player reaches 30% warning, they will serve a 3 day posting suspension. After 60%, they receive a 7 day posting suspension. After 90%, they go on moderator preview, which means a staff member must approve their posts before the public can see them. Any attempt to bypass the suspension system through the creation of new accounts will result in the immediate permanent suspension of both accounts. You may appeal bans and warnings by contacting the person that issued the warning/ban and stating your case. If it is deemed the ban/warning was levied in error, your warning level will be adjusted and the suspension terminated.

    3. Signatures - Signatures must be no larger than 200 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width. This refers to the entire signature. You may not have 3 images 200 x 500 in your signature; you may not use one image 200 x 500 pixels along with 20 lines of text. This is for the overall legibility of the forum and will be enforced. You will be notified via pm if your signature is in violation of the rules stated, at which time you will have 24 hours (from the time the PM is sent) to change your signature to meet the requirements. If you do not respond or do not change your signature within the allotted time, it will be edited and removed by a staff member, at which time that staff member will PM you the code you used so you do not lose any online images. We do not want to limit your creativity here, nor have you lose images saved to a web server - we just want the signatures to fit the dimensions specified. Be warned that pornographic, inflammatory, or other signatures that do not adhere to the general forum rules will be removed without warning and the code will not be saved!

    4. Spamming - Spamming is considered as a waste of time. No shorter posts than 8 digits are allowed to make.
    Every less than 8 digits containing posts will be edited/deleted permanently so please think what you say.
    Posts with containing only words like
    -(everything referring to laughing) eg. lol. rofl. lmao
    -Agree, disagree/tiny opinions

    Information on how to attach a signature - Visit your profile by heading to the navigation bar. Go to Preferences and enable Always show my signature. Click save at the bottom of the page, and there you have it. From now on your signature will be shown after every post you make.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:58 am